Yes. You can filter your results based on pre-populated information in exactly the same way as you can for any other survey response data. Instructions for filtering your response data can be found in our Help article on filtering survey responses. If you will be using pre-populated information to filter your results, it is worth considering […]
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Refreshing your Analyse page pulls through any new responses and includes them in the Summary report. If your Analyse page does not appear to be displaying the correct number of responses, refreshing should resolve this. Click Refresh data at the top right of the Analyse page to refresh the information. You can do this as […]
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Every online surveys response – every completed set of answers to the questions in an online survey – is assigned a unique response number by online surveys. This is referred to as: the “response ID” on the Analyse page. the “receipt number” in a respondent’s completion receipt. the “unique response number” in a results export. The unique […]
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If your institution has participated in a benchmarking survey, you will be able to access benchmarking reports shortly after all of the surveys have closed. You will be informed either by the institution managing the survey or the online surveys team when the benchmarking reports are available. To access a benchmarking report: Locate your benchmarking survey and […]
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For the question types: Multiple choice, single answer questions. Multiple choice, multiple answer questions. Selection list questions. Scale/rank questions. Online will calculate the following additional statistical information: Mean rank. Variance. Standard Deviation. Lower Quartile. Upper Quartile. The information is available when you view the results in tables (rather than as bar charts or pie charts). To […]
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No. Response data cannot be amended or deleted. If a participant advises that they wish to withdraw from your survey, or realises they have provided incorrect answers, or one or more response(s) contains inappropriate data, you can: Exclude the response(s); Filter the response(s) out; or Export the data and remove the response(s) from the exported […]
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If you have exported your response data and responses to one or more questions do not appear in the exported file, this could be for one of the following reasons: You have ticked ‘Exclude free text responses’ when exporting your data. Ticking ‘Exclude free text responses’ will remove any free text questions and associated responses from […]
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The Analyse Summary page displays only the first 5 answers to free text questions by default. This can be expanded so that all free text answers are displayed. You can do this for individual questions, or for all questions at once. To display all free text answers for an individual question: click on Show all at the top […]
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Using the filter Editor, you can filter based on multiple criteria by adding several rows of conditions. For example, you can define a group of respondents who have given a certain answer to one question, as well as a certain answer to another. You can also set up separate filters for each condition and select […]
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By default, scale/rank results data appears in a coded export file as a series of 1s and 0s in multiple columns: There are two ways to combine scale/rank response data into one column. 1. Don’t code your data Do not tick the ‘Code responses’ box, and do not choose the SPSS (.sav) file format. This will export the […]
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