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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

Why should I always pilot my survey?

…invitation emails? To allow for expert review Piloting your survey allows external experts who do not hold online surveys user accounts to test your survey and provide you with feedback….

Creating a customised URL using piping

…a survey item and adding your own (basic) HTML tags. If you are not confident that you can undertake these tasks, please contact the online surveys support team or your…

How do I refresh the Analyse page?

…times as you like while the survey is open. If the Refresh data link is not visible or does not work, please contact the online surveys support team for assistance….

What is a page break?

A page break splits an online surveys page into two pages. Page breaks can only be inserted between two existing items on a page (e.g. between two questions or between…

Exporting and importing a survey structure

…back into online surveys. This page explains how to: Export a survey structure. Import a survey structure. To export your survey structure: On your Dashboard , locate your survey and…

Accessing benchmarking reports

…by the institution managing the survey or the online surveys team when the benchmarking reports are available. To access a benchmarking report: Locate your benchmarking survey and click Analyse. On…

Deleting respondents from a respondent list

…be retrieved once they have been deleted. Even if you add a deleted respondent back in with exactly the same details, online surveys will treat this as a new respondent….