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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

Are survey submissions date stamped?

Yes. Survey submissions are date and time stamped. To see this information, click on Analyse and then Browse Responses. Each individual response has a completion date and time stamp at…

Setting up a survey password

A launched and open survey can be completed by anyone who knows the survey web address (public URL). You can restrict access to your survey with a password that your…

Accessing survey responses

As soon as respondents start completing your survey, you can view their responses as they come in. This page explains how to: Access your survey responses. Customise how the data…

Browsing, excluding and deleting individual responses

This page explains how to: Browse individual survey responses. Exclude (and reinstate) a response. Permanently delete a response. Browsing individual survey responses To view individual responses: Go to the Analyse…

How can I control who completes my survey?

You can use Survey access control to restrict participation in your survey by: Setting up a survey password: only people who have the password can complete the survey. This basic…

Controlling who can complete your survey

For additional survey security and monitoring you can use survey access control to set up a list of individual respondent details (instead of an overall survey password). This will: Let…

Filtering survey responses

This page explains how to: Filter survey responses by date or question number. Filter responses by answers given. Save a combination of filters and settings. Filtering responses by date or…