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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support


…questions, notes, page titles and section headings. It can also be used to display the current date and time in your survey and to include a completion receipt number on…

Who do I contact for help?

…of every Help page. The online surveys support team is not always the appropriate first point of contact. Listed below are some common queries where the online surveys team may…

Pre-launch messages

…routing section) Not enough pages (minimum of 2 required). Adding pages, text and sections to your survey Your final page must not contain any questions. Adding pages, text and sections…

Features not currently available in online surveys

…we may consider re-introducing them into a future release of online surveys. The features not currently available in the latest version of online surveys are: Email alerts on survey completion….

Adding and editing questions

…list to Multiple choice (single answer) or Multiple choice (multiple answers). Single-line free text to Multi-line free text. Multi-line free text to Single-line free text. Scale/rank question to Grid question….

Amending your survey structure

…list. Selection list to Multiple choice (multiple answer) or Multiple choice (single answer). Single-line free text to Multi-line free text. Multi-line free text to Single-line free text. Scale/Rank to Grid….

What is a page break?

A page break splits an online surveys page into two pages. Page breaks can only be inserted between two existing items on a page (e.g. between two questions or between…