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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

What is a "Token"?

The token field in the respondent list is used by online surveys to generate personalised URLs for survey respondents. A personalised URL allows a respondent to access a survey without…

Adding a link

…that you want to turn into a link). Click on the Link icon. This will open the Link window. Insert the full URL for your link into the URL box….

What are survey messages?

URL before the survey has opened (unless you have set up a survey redirect). The Survey closed message is displayed if a respondent clicks on the survey URL after the…

Adding a video or other media content

…the URL of your hosted video, audio or other media into the URL box. If applicable, choose the Resize Type from the drop-down menu. Please be aware that resizing an…

What is a ‘slug’?

…which is the final, customisable part of a survey’s public URL. The survey short name can be edited in the survey’s Distribution settings (on the Distribute page). If you attempt…

Piloting your survey

…survey, for example, “PILOT: (Survey name)”. Click Save. Set up survey access control, if required. Go to the Survey launchpad and click Launch survey. Share the URL with your reviewers….

Setting up a survey password

A launched and open survey can be completed by anyone who knows the survey web address (public URL). You can restrict access to your survey with a password that your…

Importing your respondent list

…been assigned to a pre-populated question in the survey (see our Help page on pre-populating questions for more information). Examples Your spreadsheet might look something like this: Example 1: Username…