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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

Multiple choice (multiple answers) questions

Multiple choice (multiple answers) questions allow respondents to select one or several answers from a list using tick boxes. By default, all of the answers can be selected by a…

Anonymising your response data

Whether hidden or not, pre-populated questions are treated in the same way as any other survey responses and are included in the summary of your Analyse page. Here you can,…

Sharing a survey with another user

This Help article provides instructions for Organisation account users to share their surveys with other online surveys users via the Survey permissions functionality. Using the survey permissions functionality, you can…

Adding sub-questions

You can add sub-questions (also known as follow-on questions) to any type of question. Where the parent question is a multiple choice or selection list question, you can choose to…

Adding an image

This page explains how to add an image to your survey. Images can be added to notes, question text and the ‘More info’ section of a question. If you wish…

Adding a video or other media content

Video and audio material cannot be hosted on the online surveys website. However, you can embed media that is hosted on an external service, such as YouTube or Vimeo, into…

Distributing your survey URL

Launching your survey opens your survey so that it can receive responses. Launching your survey does not automatically distribute your survey to your respondents. There are several ways to distribute…

Can I see partial or incomplete responses?

No. You can only see a survey response after the respondent has clicked on the Finish button on the penultimate page of your survey. Partial / incomplete / unfinished survey…