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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

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Screening out certain respondents

If your survey is only relevant to people matching certain criteria, you can screen out respondents who don’t match these criteria. For example, if your survey is about people’s experiences…

Simple routing

You can use routing to automatically have respondents skip one or more pages depending on their answer to a question. This page explains how to: Add simple routing (or ‘skip-logic’)…

Setting your survey’s completion options

You can customise the way respondents navigate and complete your survey. To access these settings, go to the Design tab of your survey and click on Survey settings in the…

Complex routing

This tutorial is about complex routing (or ‘branch-logic’) which you can use to create different routes through your survey that are the most relevant to each respondent. This page explains…

Exporting and importing a survey structure

You can download your survey structure by exporting it in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format, which can be shared with other users (for example, as a survey template) and imported…

Scale/rank questions

The Scale/rank question type can be used to ask respondents whether they agree or disagree with a number of statements, to rate items on a scale, or to rank items…

Date/time questions

This question type asks respondents to enter a date in the format DD/MM/YYYY and/or time in the format HH:MM. If respondents have Javascript enabled in their browsers, they will also…

Multiple choice (single answer) questions

These question types are easy to set up and are the most frequent type of question in online surveys. They allow respondents to pick just one answer from a list…

Selection list questions

Selection list questions are similar to multiple choice (single answer) questions. They allow respondents to pick one answer from a drop-down list. They are useful where the list of answers…

Free text questions

Free text questions are typically used to allow respondents to give information, such as their name or email address. They can also be used to ask for people’s opinions, or…