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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

Setting answer options as non-applicable

…appear in the Browse responses section. You can apply or remove the non-applicable setting while your survey is open or after it has closed, so you can use this to…

What are survey redirects?

they click on your survey URL before the survey is open or after the survey has closed. You can set up two redirects: An Early response redirect for participants who…

What are survey messages?

Survey messages are found in your survey’s Distribution settings. Survey messages are displayed to your respondents under the following circumstances: The Login page message is displayed if you have set…

How do I change the name of my survey?

…Analyse pages. The Public survey name is the name that your participants see at the top of each survey page. Click Save. The “Working” message will appear, followed by the

Creating a grid question

A grid allows you to group questions together into a table format. Grids are flexible and space saving, but can easily become complex and difficult for respondents to use. Grids…

Can respondents edit their answers?

If you enable survey navigation on the Survey settings page, respondents will be able to go back to pages they have already completed and change their answers. If this option…

I can’t log in to online surveys

the sign in page which you can click on to send yourself a password reset email. You have waited too long to activate your account. Please contact the person who…

Can I see partial or incomplete responses?

No. You can only see a survey response after the respondent has clicked on the Finish button on the penultimate page of your survey. Partial / incomplete / unfinished survey…