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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

Help & support

Launching your survey

Before you launch a survey, it’s important to make sure that it works properly. This means checking that, for example: The text in the survey is easy to understand and…

Changing your survey language

The following languages are currently supported: Bosnian English French Gaelic (Scottish Gaelic) German Greek Italian Polish Portuguese Russian Serbian Spanish Ukrainian Welsh To change the language of your survey: On…

Importing your respondent list

While it’s easy to add a few individual respondents to your survey access control list manually, if you have a long list of participants then it will be much quicker…

Introduction to routing

Routing (also known as skip-logic or branching) allows you to direct a respondent through your survey based on the answers that they give. If a respondent provides a particular answer…

Adding and editing questions

This page explains how to: Add questions to your survey. Preview, edit, move, copy and delete a question. Convert a question to a different question type. To access the Survey…

Creating a grid question

A grid allows you to group questions together into a table format. Grids are flexible and space saving, but can easily become complex and difficult for respondents to use. Grids…

Adding contact and copyright information

Contact and copyright information is available to your survey respondents via links at the bottom of each survey page. The default contact message refers respondents to the survey author. You…