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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

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Online surveys Security

commit to achieving and maintaining a grade of at least A when tested by SSLLabs. You can view the current status at https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=www.onlinesurveys.ac.uk&hideResults=on. Data is not encrypted whilst at rest…

Free text questions

…responses. There are two types of free text question: For short answers, use a Single-line free text question. For longer answers, use a Multi-line free text question, which you can…

Glossary of online surveys terms

…not visible to anyone completing the survey. How do I change the name of my survey? Language The language used by online surveys for help, navigation and validation text for…

Who do I contact for help?

…of every Help page. The online surveys support team is not always the appropriate first point of contact. Listed below are some common queries where the online surveys team may…

How do I display all free text answers?

The Analyse Summary page displays only the first 5 answers to free text questions by default. This can be expanded so that all free text answers are displayed. You can…

Question types

…differential scale question. Example of a ranking question. Free text questions Free text or open-ended questions allow respondents to type their answers in their own words. They are typically used…


…Run multiple copies of the same survey from your own account, and use the Compare functionality to see improvements/changes. The Compare functionality within online surveys allows you to compare results…

What is pre-population?

…answers to each pre-populated question), and online surveys inserts the information when your respondents access the survey. You can provide pre-population information to online surveys in one of two ways:…

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