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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

What is a "Token"?

The token field in the respondent list is used by online surveys to generate personalised URLs for survey respondents.  A personalised URL allows a respondent to access a survey without needing to enter a username/password combination.

A personalised URL looks like this:


If you leave the token field blank when providing respondent data, online surveys will generate random, non-guessable tokens for each respondent.

You can choose to provide your own tokens, however please be aware that tokens must be unique, are limited to 100 characters, and should only contain alpha-numeric characters, underscores or hyphens (no spaces).

Note:  If you use a guessable word or string for a token (e.g. someone’s first name, or a student number), someone with access to the base URL of the survey could guess a respondent’s personalised URL and use this to access the survey inappropriately.