During your licence term
The Primary Contact can ask the online surveys support team to upgrade their licence at any point. The support team will create a pro-rata payment for the remainder of the current licence term. Upon payment, the account’s features will be upgraded.
Upon your licence renewal
The Primary Contact can ask the online surveys support team to upgrade their licence in advance of the account’s licence renewal date. The support team will then create the appropriate payment. Upon the licence renewal date, the account’s features will be upgraded.
During your licence term
Downgrading cannot be done during the licence term. No refunds will be made.
Upon your licence renewal
The Primary Contact can ask the online surveys support team to downgrade their licence in advance of the account’s licence renewal date. The support team will then create the appropriate payment. Upon the licence renewal date, the account’s features will be downgraded.
For details of our different licence types visit our Features and pricing page or contact the online surveys support team at help@jisc.ac.uk.