When you log in to online surveys, you are taken to the Dashboard . From the dashboard you can create new surveys, find and work on existing surveys, import surveys, copy surveys and delete surveys.
A brief overview of the functionality available in the dashboard is provided below. Please note that some account types do not have access to all of the available functionality. Where functionality is limited to particular account types this is specified below.
The screen shots are from the dashboard of an Organisation account user.
Top section
Top section of the dashboard of an Organisation account user.
Top left
- Your surveys – “Your surveys” are:
- Single user account user – any surveys that you have created.
- Project account user – any surveys created by any user within the Project account.
- Organisation account user – any surveys for which you are the Survey Contact.
- + Create new – Click to create a new survey.
- Filter by survey name or contact – Type part or all of a survey name (all account types) or survey contact username (Organisation account users only) to filter the survey list.
Top right
Import a survey – Import a survey that has been exported from another online surveys account.
Export survey list – Export the current list of surveys (allowing for any filters currently applied) as a CSV file.
Shared surveys – Where a user in another online surveys account has shared a survey with you, the survey can be found here.
Deleted surveys – Access any surveys you have deleted (for up to 30 days after the date of deletion).
Reset view – Remove any filters and reset the dashboard to the default view.
JUST MY SURVEYS – (Organisation account users only) See only the surveys where you are listed as the contact. This is applied by default. Untick to see all surveys that you hold permissions on within the Organisation account.
DRAFT / SCHEDULED / OPEN / CLOSED checkboxes – Tick or untick to filter the survey list by survey status.
Survey list
Survey list from the dashboard of an Organisation account user.
Column titles
- [x] – (Organisation account users only) Tick to select surveys for bulk deletion.
- Status – Current status of each survey in the list.
- Name – This is the internal survey name. Click Design, Distribute or Analyse underneath the survey name to access the relevant section of the survey.
- Survey contact – (Project and Organisation account users only) The online surveys user listed as the survey contact in the survey settings.
- Responses – The number of completed responses received. Where a list of respondents has been set up using survey access control, the response rate will also be shown.
- Open date – As per the survey’s distribution settings.
- Close date – As per the survey’s distribution settings.
Click on the Name, Survey contact, Responses, Open date and Close date column titles to sort the survey list by these attributes.
- Action buttons – Click to:
(Organisation account users only) View the survey permissions page;
Preview the survey;
Copy the survey; or
Delete the survey.
- Page x of y (Found z surveys) – The number of surveys found, based on the filters currently applied.
- Results per page – Change the number of surveys you see per page by choosing the appropriate number (or “All”) from the drop-down list.
- Delete selected surveys – (Organisation account users only) Delete any surveys with a tick in the [x] column. You will be asked to confirm the bulk deletion action.