This page is for administrators and Primary Contacts of Project or Organisation type accounts.
This page provides instructions for carrying out the following common user management tasks:
- Access the user list.
- Find a user.
- Edit a user.
- Remove a user.
- See which surveys a user has access to (Organisation accounts only).
Access the user list
To access the user list:
- Click on Manage at the top right of the screen (next to Sign out).
- Click on MANAGE your account name (e.g. MANAGE University of Poppleton). This will take you to the account administration screens.
- Click on the Users tab to access the user list.
Find a user
Users are listed alphabetically by username by default. To find a particular user, you can do one (or more) of the following:
- Filter the user list – Enter part or all of a username (email address) or full name in the Filter by username or full name box at the top of the list, then hit Enter to apply the filter.
- Export the user list – Click
Export user list at the top right of the user list.
- Sort the user list – Click on a column title to sort by that column (e.g. click on Last login to sort the user list by last login date; click again to sort in reverse order).
- Step through the pages of users – Scroll to the bottom of the user list and click Next >
- View all of your users on a single page – Scroll to the bottom of the list and change the Results per page to All.
Edit a user
When you invite a new user, all you need to enter is their email address. The user’s full name is optional and can be provided by the user once they have logged in. You can, however, enter the user’s full name yourself, and you can also edit the user’s access level at any time.
The username can only be edited by the user. If you have made an error in the username when inviting a new user and the user is unable to receive their invitation email, you should delete the user and add them again with the correct username. If an existing user needs to change their username/email address (e.g. they have changed their name), you cannot do this for them. The user must edit their user profile themselves.
To edit a user’s full name or access level:
- Find the user in your user list
- Click on their username. This will open the Edit user screen.
- Add, remove or change the user’s full name, if required.
- Change the user’s access level, if required.
- Click Save.
Remove a user
Removing a user permanently deletes their user account. This does not delete any surveys created by the user but the surveys may become inaccessible if the user has not shared them with anyone else before their user account is deleted. Please see our Help page on removing a user from your account for further information and instructions.
See which surveys a user has access to
An administrator (including the Primary Contact) in an Organisation account can see the survey titles of the surveys that a user has access to, even if the administrator (or Primary Contact) does not hold any permissions on the survey.
To view the list of surveys that a particular user has access to:
- Find the user in your user list.
- Click on the
Permissions icon associated with their user record. This will open the Access information screen, which lists all the surveys that the user holds permissions on.
Note: In a Project account, the survey permissions functionality is not available and all users have full and identical access to all surveys.