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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys


If you’d like to provide feedback or make suggestions for new features or functionality, please join our community mailing list.

Deployment History

02 Jan 20 Increased the number of permitted survey reminder emails from four to five.

06 Aug 19 ‘Account locked’ column added to user list export.

23 Jul 19 Notification email/unlock link is now issued after too many failed login attempts.

12 Jun 19 User filtering and bulk delete.

16 Apr 19 New seamless 30-day free trial.

10 Apr 19 A custom survey theme will now use a background image if one has been uploaded and chosen.

22 Feb 19 Dependent sub-question can be determined by more than one answer option.

Dependent sub-question no longer needs to be required.

Dependent sub-question now hidden until determining answer option is chosen.

18 Dec 18 HTML Emails.

26 Nov 18 Survey theme builder.

Survey responses email digest.

12 Nov 18 Invitation and reminder email count.

08 Nov 18 Ability to use a single pre-population parameter in multiple questions.

31 Oct 18 Response ID searchbox in Browse Responses.

24 Oct 18 Respondent progress chart to show progression of individual respondents where SAC is used.

22 Oct 18 Auto-adaptable column width on browsing individual response.

Pre-population parameter validation.

11 Oct 18 New ability to delete an individual response.

08 Oct 18 Alternative charts for analysing MCMA questions.

03 Oct 18 Tokens in email body text are no longer case-sensitive.

18 Sep 18 Time zone support.

28 Aug 18 Jisc rebranding.

13 Aug 18 New ability to export all individual records as a single PDF from Browse Responses.

Roll out of tougher password and log-in requirements.

02 Aug 18 A second (final) page is now added as a default when a new survey is created.

26 Jun 18 Users will now receive a Dashboard notification when a survey is shared with them.

25 Jun 18 New “Response Start” timestamp when you browse responses or export your data.

New ability to add users to your Survey Permissions page in bulk and apply permissions for multiple users at once.

15 Jun 18 New option to change sender name in survey invitation emails.

19 Dec 17 Increase of survey invitation email limit from 1,000 to 5,000.