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Online surveys
(formerly BOS)
Powerful, flexible online surveys
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> Designing your survey
Help & support
Designing your survey
Introductory articles
Creating a new survey
Adding pages, text and sections to your survey
Adding and editing questions
Question types
Multiple choice (single answer) questions
Multiple choice (multiple answers) questions
Selection list questions
Free text questions
Date/time questions
Scale/rank questions
Creating a grid question
Copying, moving and deleting questions
Adding sub-questions
Amending your survey structure
Sharing a survey with another user
Previewing, printing and saving your survey as a PDF
Adding contact and copyright information
Customising your survey’s appearance
Creating accessible surveys
Use the Theme builder to create your own survey theme
Advanced articles
Formatting text in questions, notes and messages
Including a consent statement
Adding a link
Adding an image
Adding a video or other media content
Adding files to your survey
Editing a launched survey
Pre-populating questions
Exporting and importing a survey structure
Changing your survey language
Setting your survey’s completion options
Introduction to routing
Simple routing
Complex routing
Screening out certain respondents
Setting answer options as non-applicable
Pre-population – Constraints and considerations
Using piping in your survey
Adding a question to capture the username, email address or token of your respondents
Help & support
Administering your online surveys account
Analysing your survey
Designing your survey
Distributing your survey
Managing your user account