Since the migration of BOS to Jisc in October 2017 we have been embedding the service into Jisc, carrying out essential upgrades, investigating new features and ensuring we continue to deliver business as usual while paving the way for future updates and upgrades.
The next stage is to carry out some more visible changes, starting with the service name and branding, so the service looks and feels like part of the Jisc family.
From March BOS will be renamed to ‘online surveys’.
To reduce any unnecessary confusion to our users and website visitors we are implementing the changes in a phased way. These changes will start in the next few weeks with the aim to complete the changes by summer this year (2018).
These changes will not affect your surveys and the service website address and logo won’t change. For a short time, both names will be displayed on the website. This should reassure anyone visiting or using the service.
Over the next few weeks you’ll notice instances of ‘BOS’ being replaced with ‘online surveys’, and later website branding will be updated.
If you would like any further information please get in touch with our team.