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Online surveys  (formerly BOS)

Powerful, flexible online surveys

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Using piping in your survey

…is being answered through the use of pre-population parameters. The source question is not a valid question type for piping. Multi-line free text questions and any of the date/time question

Online surveys Security

commit to achieving and maintaining a grade of at least A when tested by SSLLabs. You can view the current status at https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=www.onlinesurveys.ac.uk&hideResults=on. Data is not encrypted whilst at rest…

Question types

…differential scale question. Example of a ranking question. Free text questions Free text or open-ended questions allow respondents to type their answers in their own words. They are typically used…

What is pre-population?

…are hidden. What types of questions can be used for pre-population, and is one question type better than another? Pre-population parameters can be assigned to: Free text questions. Date/time questions….

Free text questions

…responses. There are two types of free text question: For short answers, use a Single-line free text question. For longer answers, use a Multi-line free text question, which you can…

Creating accessible surveys

…survey design Language Follow these guidelines to ensure that your surveys are easy to understand: Use simple language and short sentences. The Plain English Campaign website provides free guides that…

Adding and editing questions

…of the survey builder will add a new, independent question. Adding a question within another question (inside the brown box surrounding an existing question) will create a sub-question. Sub-questions are…

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